The Bulgarian Muscle Mission

article Feb 10, 2017

“Unless you continually work, evolve, and innovate, you’ll learn a quick and painful lesson from someone who has”.
Cael Sanderson (159-0 in NCAA, 4x National Champion and Olympic Champion)


The sport of wrestling has evolved tremendously over the years. The constant introduction to new techniques and access to video footage from anywhere in the world has made it easy for any wrestler or coach to improve their game. But is it really that simple? Are people really taking advantage of all the information they can find on the web? It is very hard to determine what information to apply or what products to use for your own training. At Bulgarian Muscle, we are obsessed with the idea of building perfect training regimens for anyone who is trying to reach their full potential.

We’re combining the European style of training mixed with the American way of life. Our goal is to accelerate and unlock your potential to be at your best when it matters. Our ability to travel and train with the best wrestlers in the world has given us the  unique opportunity to develop our own bulletproof plan. We’re going to introduce practice structure, pre tournament peaking schedule, off season strength and conditioning programs, and much more.

We believe that every athlete should have goals, but what are goals without a system. Check out the Bulgarian Muscle system today, and become the best at your craft!


50% Complete

Two Step

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